Monday, October 1, 2012

If it's Meant to Be....

I hear people say this all the time....
"If it's meant to be, then it will be"
Damn that's a loaded statement. I, myself, have used that line over and over and believed firmly in its power. Then I was reading a blog the other day and I believe that this person was speaking on relationships and dating...perfect example to get into this discussion on "what's meant to be."
Someone replied by saying if it was meant to be...blah, blah, all know the rest.
So does that mean do nothing? Opportunity will simply fall into your lap? Just like that...right out of the sky. Don't pursue her, fellas. One day she will come to her senses and if not, then it was not meant to be. But if you do nothing...could you be missing your blessing or your opportunity?
I wanted to tell him that if he had feelings for a certain person, then by all means pursue her!
"If it's meant to be, then it will be"
What does this mean?! Really what are the implications of this idiom?!
Let me bring this back to a recent event in the life of here I am sitting face to face with this man (it really felt like deja vu - for I have done this before with another young man...) so anyways..there I was with this young man and he was so full of promise. Talking big talk about doing great things and saving the world...very sincere presence and humble too.
"He's a king.", I thought to myself. He just doesn't know it yet. He is destined for great things and I know that he knows this but I am afraid that he doesn't get how big this really is....
I swear I was looking into a mirror while I was talking to him about what's going on in the world and how we were going to combat these issues. I mean, I reason and politik with my peers very often...being the radical that I am....but this...this was certainly different.
I wanted to stop in the middle of our conversation and say, "I'm sorry, The name's Nefertari...King Ramses II, I presume?"
Yeah, folks it was that serious...I thought, not only are you a king but my Ramses.
So I am sitting there and we are talking about how we are going to make the world a different place for our people and I am feeling like I can be my radical self with all my conspiracy theories and he will not think I am some nut case walking around the streets of Atlanta....
Then it hits me. We are more alike than I could ever imagined. This has never happened to very own parallel. I am looking into his eyes, swimming in his essence, collaborating on saving the masses....I touched earth with my equal. So funny because we have known each other for quite some time now...maybe 2 years...but never really discussed these topics and I guess we were both fed up with being silent. All this time we have been moving on different planes....and most of that time I was involved with someone else...I should have know how powerful this brotha was when he merely spoke to me in the presence of my significant man would not let that one die for days....I did not get it though..."He's just a friend" I said...."all he said was hello" I explained. My man saw his power. I missed it.
So...."If it's meant to be, then it will be"...I mean really? Because I feel like I should do something about this. I can't keep quiet about this...I don't think he quite understands this yet but I know what's in should sit back because "If it's meant to be, then it will be"...?
I mean if it's destiny...if prophecies shall be fulfilled...then no matter what I will happen right?
I feel the need to let him know his true identity for one day he will know anyway...

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