Sunday, October 7, 2012

Judge Not!

Repost: May 20, 2008


I have come to notice a certain trait especially among the faithful and spiritual....
I understand everyone's luv for our GOD - whatever you call GOD...I understand the luv and faith in the higher being and our Creator.
What I don't understand is how we tend to judge each other and criticize each other on what we are doing in our lives. I hope that in writing my blogs that I show another point of view and allow others to see the world according to erica...rather than point fingers and cut others down with my opinions and my truths.
I share my views on diet and Jah to inspire others - NOT TO PASS JUDGMENT. I can't stand when others pass judgment. We are not here to judge each other. Help your brethren and sistren but do not look down upon them. I have nothing against those eat meat - those who don't believe in GOD. I luv everyone just the same - inspite of flaws and because of perfections...
Sometimes I listen to my brethren and sistren criticize others for the way people dress, wear their hair or eat....
It's not right - Only Jah can judge and judge He will...when times comes...
Seriously though....I don't that my sister will go to Hell for perming her hair or that my mother is damned for eating meat....
True I try to convince them to eat a more vegetable and plant rich diet....more so though for their health and becuaseI care about them...I see the good switching my diet has done so I want to share the wealth - NOT TEAR THEM DOWN!
It's not our place to judge.
But it is our place to love...EVERYTHING WE DO...WE SHOULD DO IT IN LOVE.
Stop complaining...stop stressing each other out...stop and realize how your actions affect know not where your brethren come...or the path they trod.
My path should is not your path and you path is not mine. We are all in the same gang and it's high time we start acting like it. Show compassion for one another and not contempt and disdain.
Judge not. Luv a lot.

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