Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Repost: May 30, 2007


I was in an wreck recently....Ever get that feeling that you are headed down a dark street and all of a sudden your vehicle is speeding out of control until you crash into a huge oak tree...
That's how I felt recently...conversing with an individual who I felt was dead weight...and gradually I was beginning to feel that having this person in my life was more harm than good. Having this person around goes against all that I stand for...
Well, he finally forced me to realize that kindness is out of order here...sparing him of hurt feelings was way out of the question and more so I realized that this person had no idea who I was....He had no clue. For he certainly was no friend of mine.
So why waste my time on someone who could not get a grip on things that are going on around him...He merely exists in this world...He had no clue that he should be a soldier in this war...It's sad really to see such a waste....
Now, I am not saying that he should not exist, not at all....for if I said that then I would be negating Jah's will. I am simply saying that he fails to make use of his existance. He is complacent with Babylon and he choses to not only stay that way but to accept yet state his disapproval of it.
So I came hurling into that oak tree when he made a few ignorant statements about my people. My brethren and sistren who taught me about spirituality, righteousness, luv for oneself and brethren and sistren. They taught me about One Luv and how we must rise against Screwface and Babylon and here he was bashing a group of people for a senseless reason....a group of people of which he knows nothing about apparently.
It sickened me greatly. Not only does he ridicule my walk with Jah but he choses not to take a walk himself. Sure he claims to be of faith - but faith of what? Ignorance? Stupidity? Mediocrity?
We must stop this hatred of groups of people simply based on silly notions!
Do not stand to speak against my people when you do not know my people or my Father!

This all hits me hard because perhaps I mis represented myself. Maybe he did not know me because I did not show myself in the flesh....and for that I must take the blame for my part.
I stand accountable. But I give thanks that I crashed into that oak tree because now I can see that there is work to do on my part in this seems as though something shiny has caught my eye in a detour....Nothing but Screwface himself I tell you and he is cleva.
But I know betta.
I say back up off my people as we are destined for the promised land and we are on a mission. For if you have no mission, how can you fault those who do?
Those whose motives are pure and pure...Through and tru!
Ya got something to say about my people or anyone else...I say do your research and come with verified reasons for your opinions. Do not enter this battle with no backup! Come with passion for we will!

We prevail for we come with truth!
Now hear me, my brethren and sistren when I say, "Stand Up!

Representin' Truth and Inity....

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