Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Zimbabwe

Repost: Apr 18, 2006

Current mood:hopeful
Landlocked between the Zambezi and the Limpopo rivers, she boasts majestic wonders of the world.
Why she possesses the grandeur of Victoria Falls.
Her name derived from dzimba dzamabwe in Shona. Although she was in possession of foreign men of a distant land, she had also once housed the great Munhumutapa Empire. She was also home to the great Bantu tribes of Africa.
Emancipated from her ruler, her first prime minister was Robert Mugabe who in turn forcedd an exodus of foreign land owners and attempted to return the land to sons and daughters of Zimbabwe. And it still took years and a Chimurenga to gain what was rightfully hers - her independence, her freedom.
And so she was born again on this very day, April 18, 1980. But is she really free?! A land that boasts the highest literacy rates in all of Africa! Such a land of promise and intelligence....and I ask you today are my brethren of Zimbabwe really free?
Not when the people have the lowest life expectancy in all the world! Precious lives cut short at the hands of poverty and AIDS.
Who knows if Mugabe will be part of the cure...but I do know this...there will come a day for true liberation of Zimbabwe.
Freedom from poverty, inflation, and yes even AIDS. This is a land that was once bountiful in food supply and still have many natural resources and the people have much promise.
The day will come for true liberation of Zimbabwe and the Zimbabweans.
Happy Birthday Zimbabwe

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