Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Be a Man!

Repost: Apr 13, 2007


This is a call to all men out there to STAND UP!!!!!!
Be the lion that you were meant to be!
Be a King for your Queen - STAND UP and rise to the occasion to be a leader for this nation.

We need you. See, there are a lot things I can do on my own....
really, because of the lioness that I am....I can do all things on my own.

I find that the older I get, the more men I find on this earth who are afraid to speak thier minds. Afraid to step up to the plate and be the breadwinner.
What happened to the brothas not afraid to assume the position? Brothas not afraid to take risks and take care of business...It's an epidemic, y'all and if we don't act now, the 100% true and real man will become extinct.
Must we women be forced to raise responsible and honest men to replace the cowards that we encounter? We, sistas can do that, brothas...
But the fact remains...that
I praise and give glory to those brothas out there doing their thing and doing "the right thing" - I commend you and pray for more of your kind.
I urge you real men to take to the streets with me and my warrior maids and maidens....Let's go make real men of what is out there today!
Y'all, we have to be ready as a people...we can't do that if our Kings are weak and inadequate. We must give them strength and integrity. We must raise them up and let them know that they are worthy of such esteem. Let's not tear them apart in order to make them over....but build from where they stand.
Enough of men who hide from life! Come as you are....we will take care of the rest....
Face the world and be a man.

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