Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dance With Yesterday (so Joi inspired...)

Repost: Sep 24, 2007


He said he'd recognize me anywhere...funny how he only saw the backside of me....

I had a dream once that my pharaoh came back to me ...but under false pretense....
Every now and then, I miss what we had.

Life has escalated me unto a higher plane...funny how I ran into him there
I promised to call and catch back up with him - my heart wanted it so bad

But my mind would not let me. He so practical and so logical....but in the end for this flighty fire....he was so damn boring....

But I strive to love him tho...even if he hates my spontaneity...
It was my spontaneity that pushed me to leave him all alone in the night - never to return

Every now and then...I miss what we had
He turned his back on me - He chose her over me

And she only left him lonely...she has him all to herself.

Yet when I saw him, he was begging me to pull him back from her.

"You still got it" he said....
No, I thought...I lost it...I lost it a long time ago....

Too bad we can't go back there tho....

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