A big misconception about vegetarianism is that a vegetarian doesn't get enough calcium. This myth is readily applied to vegetarians but is a fallacy. It is probable that this thought is directed more towards vegans than vegetarians (vegans do not eat dairy products while some types of vegetarians do). The truth is, however, that while milk and other dairy products may be high in calcium, they are not the only food substances that contain it. Some of the best sources of protein are dark green, leafy vegetables. In addition, vegetarians are at an advantage because their bodies assimilate the calcium ingested a lot more easily during digestion. In fact, vegetarians are less prone to osteoporosis than meat-eaters. If the lack of calcium is the only thing stopping you from becoming a vegetarian, then move on over to greener pastures! There are many vegetarian entrees and snacks that contain calcium, here are a few calcium-rich, meat-free possibilities: White/Wholemeal bread, Taco Shells, Oats Soyabeans, Tofu, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Pistachios, Sunflower Seeds Sesame Seeds, Flax Seed, Carob Turnip Greens, Watercress, Broccoli, Carrots, Cabbage, Garlic, Parsley Spirulina, Chives, Seaweed, Cauliflower, Okra, Cassava Figs, Papaya, Rhubarb, Molasses
Justification 2: Eating a Healthy Vegetarian Diet Can Prevent Impotence
Real men are vegetarians! OK, maybe not all real men are vegetarians but one of the biggest benefits of a vegetarian diet for men is that it can help fight impotence. Believe it or not, it was been proven that a diet with a meat base that is high in fat can curb a man's sexual appetite. Fatty foods like chicken fingers and bacon cheeseburgers cause a higher body fat level which lessens testosterone levels--this can increase the chances of impotence. The reason? Lots of fat can clog the arteries, including arteries that pump blood to the penis. Arterial blockages are a major contributer to impotence problems today. So, fellas, next time you're cruising through that fast food drive-through, pass on the cheeseburger and opt for a salad or yogurt parfait instead.
Justification 3: Poison in Meat?
Did you know that poultry producers and pig farmers routinely use arsenic as a growth stimulant for the animals? Strangely enough, federal law permits the usage of arsenic in commercial animal raising. The trick is that the government stipulates that commercial livestock farmers must stop adding arsenic to the animal feed at least 5 days before the slaughter so that arsenic residue levels will reach a legal level that is approved by the FDA (.55 parts per million). The truth is, however, that several studies indicate that many livestock farmers do not adhere to these regulations. In fact, the USDA estimates that about 16% of the nation's poultry supply contains levels of arsenic that are above the legal limit. Do your body a favor and skip those meat meals; treat your body to vegetarian entrees instead.
Justification 4: Live Longer by Eating Veggies
Want to have a better chance of maintaining a healthy body weight as you grow older? Become a vegetarian. It had been proven that vegetarians have much faster metabolisms than meateaters. In the inevitable slowing of the metabolism with age that results in weight gain, vegetarians have a big advantage. Recently, a study was conducted that showed that vegetarians have resting metabolic rates (RMR) that are 11% higher than the RMR's of nonvegetarians. A heightened RMR will allow a person to burn fat and calories a lot more quickly than average. On the other hand, a lower RMR will increase the risk of becoming overweight and developing serious health problems that are related to weight issues (like diabetes, heart disease, and strokes). So, by merely substituting every meat dish with a tasty vegetarian dish you can actually increase both your quality of life and your life span. In this short history of vegetarianism, we will quickly explore the types of vegetarians and reasons for becoming a vegetarian.
First, there are several types of vegetarians including:
• Semi-vegetarian: They do not eat red animal flesh, but choose to eat chicken and fish or they primarily eat a vegetarian diet, but occasionally eat animal products.
• Lacto vegetarian: No meat or eggs, but milk is acceptable.
• Lacto-ovo vegetarian: No meat, but eggs and milk are acceptable. Most vegetarians are lacto-ovo.
• Ovo vegetarian: No meat or milk, but eggs are acceptable.
• Vegans: No meat, eggs or milk products. Historically, there have been many reasons for becoming a vegetarian including:
• Ethics: Many people believe the practice of killing an animal for consumption violates ethical standards, particularly given the modern-day treatment of animals on mega-farms.
• Religious and cultural beliefs: Several religious and cultural denominations have strict dietary guidelines which reflect the vegetarian theme.
• Health benefits: With heart disease, cancer and stroke topping the list of killer diseases in the nation, many people are turning to a vegetarian diet for health reasons. What type of vegetarian are you and why?
By taking time to reflect on your position related to vegetarianism, you will not only reap the health and moral benefits associated with a vegetarian diet, but also the internal fortitude of understanding the complete impact it has on each person and their surroundings.
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